Why Do You Write?

The writer stares at a blank page or a blinking cursor. The empty space is begging to be filled. The author is compelled to fill the void. In a world where the written word seems to be losing its value (I do not believe this), the question that occurs is why do do I write? There are many reasons, but in the following paragraphs I will enumerate three.

Writing is Cathartic

There is something cleansing about taking the thoughts that fill my heart and brain and sorting them out on paper. There are times when the spoken word is insufficient if there is no one listening. The paper becomes a willing partner to purge or process those thoughts.

The Paper Never Misunderstands

Unlike oral communication, the paper always understands. I realize that it is possible to push the metaphor too far. One’s readers can certainly experience confusion because of what one writes, but paper is a non active partner that always comprehends the author’s thoughts and intents.

The Paper is an Outlet for Creative Energy

In much the same way that physical education is an outlet for pent up energy in a school classroom, so too is a pen and paper an avenue of creative expression for the writer. To not express one’s self through the written word for can cause frustration and confusion that affects other areas of one’s life.

Why do you write?

Friday thought: Three Kinds of Preachers

H.B. Charles is one of my favorite preachers.  Some time back I read his book  On Preaching.  Today, while thumbing through a notebook of old  writing ideas, I came across this money quote.  It perfectly sums up my heart’s desire as a preacher.

There are three kinds of preachers:  the ones you can listen to, the ones you cannot listen to, and the ones you must listen to.  I desire to be the type of preacher you must listen to. But that requires more than desire.  It requires hard work.  And that hard work never ends, if you take preaching seriously.  H.B. Charles, On Preaching, 10.

Between the Bindings: Lightning Sky

I love history.  Seventy percent of my audience just clicked off of this post.  One of the areas of the discipline that I find most fascinating is World War II.  I particularly love stories of individuals who survived horrific ordeals.  Lightning Sky by R.C. George is one of those tales.  While it is a survival story, it is also a story of a father’s love and his search for his lost son.

This story follows the career of a young Army Air Corp fighter pilot, 2nd Lieutenant David MacArthur from enlistment to the aerial battlefields of Europe in the closing days of the war.  He was shot down during a strafing mission against a German airbase near Salonika that he was not even scheduled to participate in, but was substituted by a commanding officer at the eleventh hour.  George weaves MacArthur’s harrowing experience of being shot down, captured, and his life as a prisoner of war at a series of German prison camps.

Meanwhile, George’s pen carries you on the parallel journey of Lieutenant Colonel Vaughn MacArthur, an army chaplain with the 8th Armored Division of General Patton’s Third Army.  While ministering to the spiritual condition of the men under his care, he was diligently seeking to find his son and bring him home.

This book is filled with joy, sadness, heroism, and the story of a father’s love.  It is worth your time to read.  I give it 4 highlighters.*  Pick up a copy at your bookstore of choice today.

*I have chosen highlighters as my measurement in lieu of stars.

No man behind

My office looks like a typical pastor’s office. Books, folders, financial reports, a plastic ficus or two (I haven’t killed them yet.), and my kids artwork are strewn everywhere. The one decoration that invariably draws quizzical looks is a small toy soldier the camps in various places around the office. From time to time someone will ask if my Son has been playing at my office and left his toy.

The truth is that the toy soldier belongs to me. When I was in college I was involved in a discipleship group with a several guys. We prayed together, worshipped together, memorized scripture together and held each other accountable. Our leader was passionate about reaching people with the gospel. He gave me this toy soldier to remind me to be diligent about sharing the gospel. Just like our military men and women strive to leave no man behind on their missions, so too, we need to be diligent to leave no person behind because they have not heard and had a chance to respond to the gospel!

…Do the work of the evangelist… 2 Tim. 4:5.

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold I am with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew 28:19-20.

Friday Linkfest

It’s the Friday after the 4th of July.  I hope your holiday has been amazing!  Here are few links to get you through the rest of your holiday weekend.  These are definitely worth your time.

Randy Alcorn writes of God’s faithfulness after he was hit with an $8.2 million dollar lawsuit judgment for protesting against abortion.

Here is some sobering and scary research about the state of Bible reading in the protestant church.  We have to do better!

Here is how we can do better!  Facts and Trends is producing some great content.  Ya’ll should check them out!

Have a great weekend!  See you next week!